How to Observe the Orionid Meteor Shower This Weekend

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The Orionid meteor shower is one of the most popular meteor showers of the year, and it's coming up this weekend! The peak of the shower is expected to be on the night of October 21-22, but you can start seeing meteors a few days before and after the peak.

To observe the Orionid meteor shower, you'll need to find a dark location away from city lights. The darker the sky, the more meteors you'll be able to see. You don't need any special equipment to observe the shower, but it's helpful to have a reclining chair or blanket so you can lie down and look up at the sky.

The Orionid meteor shower is best viewed after midnight, when the radiant (the point in the sky where the meteors appear to come from) is highest in the sky. The radiant is located in the constellation Orion, so it's helpful to be able to locate this constellation in the sky.

To find Orion, look for three bright stars in a row. These are the three belt stars of Orion. Once you've found the belt stars, look up and to the left to find Betelgeuse, the bright red star that marks Orion's right shoulder. Then look down and to the right to find Rigel, the bright blue star that marks Orion's left foot.

Once you've found Orion, lie down on your back and look up at the sky. You should be able to see meteors streaking across the sky. Be patient and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness. It may take up to 20 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust.

If you're lucky, you may even see a fireball, which is a very bright meteor. Fireballs are much rarer than regular meteors, but they're an amazing sight to see.

Here are some additional tips for observing the Orionid meteor shower:

  • Dress warmly. It can get cold at night, especially if you're lying on the ground.
  • Bring a flashlight or headlamp, but use it sparingly so you don't ruin your night vision.
  • Be patient. It may take some time to see a meteor.
  • Don't stare directly at the radiant. You'll be more likely to see meteors if you look a little to the side of the radiant.


  • Orionid meteor shower
  • how to observe meteor showers
  • best places to see meteor showers
  • meteor shower photography
  • meteor shower tips

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