Nefarious is a 2023 horror thriller film directed by Daniel Stamm and starring Sean Patrick Flanery, Jordan Belfi, and Tom Ohmer. The film follows a convicted serial killer who tells a psychiatrist that he is possessed by a demon. The doctor is skeptical, but the killer's predictions of future murders begin to come true.
Nefarious received positive reviews from critics, with praise for its suspenseful atmosphere and Flanery's performance. The film has a 96% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Where to Watch Nefarious
Nefarious is currently available to rent or purchase on digital platforms such as Amazon, Vudu, YouTube, and Apple. The film is not yet available to stream on any major streaming services.
How to Watch Nefarious for Free
There are a few ways to watch Nefarious for free. One way is to wait for the film to become available on a free streaming service such as Tubi or Crackle. Another way is to find a free streaming website that offers the film. However, be aware that these websites are often riddled with ads and malware.