Skull Island is an anime series that premiered on Netflix on June 22, 2023. The series is set in the Monsterverse, the same universe as the Kong: Skull Island movie. Skull Island follows the story of a group of shipwrecked explorers who must find a way to escape the mysterious island, which is home to a menagerie of fearsome creatures, including the giant ape Kong.
The series is produced by Powerhouse Animation, the same studio that produced the Castlevania anime series. Skull Island is animated in a dark and stylized art style that perfectly captures the atmosphere of the Monsterverse. The voice cast includes Nicolas Cantu, Darren Barnet, Mae Whitman, Benjamin Bratt, and Betty Gilpin.
The series has been well-received by critics, with many praising the animation, the voice acting, and the action sequences. Skull Island is a must-watch for fans of the Monsterverse, anime, and action-adventure shows.
How to Watch:
Skull Island is available to stream on Netflix. The series consists of eight episodes, each of which is approximately 20 minutes long.
- Skull Island anime
- How to watch Skull Island
- Monsterverse anime
- Powerhouse Animation
- Nicolas Cantu
- Darren Barnet
- Mae Whitman
- Benjamin Bratt
- Betty Gilpin
- Netflix
Skull Island is an exciting and action-packed anime series that is sure to please fans of the Monsterverse, anime, and action-adventure shows. The series is available to stream on Netflix now.
Additional Keywords:
- Kong: Skull Island
- Godzilla
- King Kong
- Pacific Rim
- Anime
- Animation
- Action
- Adventure
- Netflix
Call to Action:
Start watching Skull Island today on Netflix!